
9 Must-Have Leadership Skills That Make Good Leaders

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow., so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live”

Are leaders born or made????

Leadership Skills That Make Good Leaders. No one is born as a leader but you can become a leader. Leadership is a choice. Every person is a leader in some capacity whether in business, family, sports, school, college, etc.

Many people fail to see their unique leadership role and miss opportunities to influence others. Leadership traits can be learned and nurtured allowing each of us the opportunity to become a good leader.

What is leadership?

Leadership is one of the most important functions of management. Leading involves directing, influencing & motivating employees to perform. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Its unlocking people’s potential to become better. The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.

Here are some skills every manager needs to master to become an effective leader.

Successful leaders will be able to meaningfully communicate with each other and with others. If you are not a good communicator you will probably harm in some way or the other. Develop your leadership skills to a good level by communicating with everyone on your team, set up routine meetings with the team, and be direct, specific, and clear.

If a leader doesn’t set clear expectations for their employee they won’t get the results they want. Setting clear expectations eliminates stress on both sides, the team and the manager. Tell your team what is expected of them.

Some of the best leaders give their team members the freedom to be the owner of their role and let things work as the team wants it to work. This is a leadership skill that is important for today’s working culture as it eliminates the need for a manager to poke the team again and again. Let your team do their job without standing over their shoulders. If you have hired them you also need to trust them.

Take some time out to discuss the problem areas with your team to let bring out the best ideas to make the company better. Encourage each person to speak up for anything valuable they have to contribute to the company.

Nobody wants to talk to a leader who is unapproachable. There is no one who wants to work with a mean boss who is barely accessible. Be the one who is approachable so anyone can come to you at any time and you can hear them out.

Personal development is something that we do in our spare time that helps us grow professionally. Successful leaders can encourage personal growth by giving team members personal success lessons, encourage them to attend business events, give them the opportunity to grow within the company.

Every leader wants his team to work really hard. Leaders will certainly have to push team members to their limits else they will remain stagnant doing the same level of work without excitement and growth. A team leader has to motivate the team by encouraging them to get out of their comfort zone and achieve excellence at all levels.

A leader will have to make time to praise employees for a job well done. When the project is finally complete as a leader make sure you recognize the efforts of your team, celebrate the achievement with your team. Your team will fight low morale when they feel rewarded and they will be motivated for the next challenge.

If you don’t plan on doing something they don’t mention it. When you do what you say, you will earn the respect of your team. Do not mislead your team members with fake aspirations. Doing what you say will develop a reputation as a respected leader. Stick with your commitments, be as transparent as possible, and stay consistent in words, actions, and expectations to be an effective leader.

How to improve your leadership skills?

    1. Identify the skills you need to lead effectively & create your action plan to develop them.
    2. Ask for feedback from work colleagues, line managers, friends, family, followers, etc.
    3. . Take on responsibility and reflect on your performance.
    4. Find a mentor to have a discussion if you face any difficulty.
    5. Attend leadership and management training programs.
    6. Read books on leadership. Watching interviews of various CEO/CFO to learn about their experiences and improve your knowledge.

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